
Ten measures of beauty were bestowed upon the world;
nine were taken by Jerusalem.
and one by the rest of the world.
-- Babylonian Talmud, Tractate Kiddushin 49:2

These are pretty much unsorted and right off the CD. I'll have some text and editing here soon

The Kotel at night ] [
Maariv (evening prayers) at the Kotel ] [ The
Rebbe visits ] [ View of the Old City of Jerusalem from the Livnot rooftop at night. 
Note the shooting star. :) ] [ Area around the southern wall of the Temple Mount, Jerusalem (1) 
] [ Area around the southern wall of the Temple Mount, Jerusalem (2) 
] [ View from the walls of Jerusalem ] [ View from the walls of Jerusalem (2) ] [ Pillar from the Second Temple, Jerusalem ] [ Wendy and Gabi talking in the garden ] [
View in the Arab Quarter of Jerusalem ] [ Machaneh Yehudah, Jerusalem ] [ Work
group over Machaneh Yehudah ] [ Machaneh Yeudah from above, Jerusalem ] [ 64 ] [ Machaneh Yeudah alleyway, Jerusalem ] [ View of the Old City of Jerusalem from the Livnot rooftop at dusk.
] [ Mea Shearim street ] [ Mea Shearim street (2) ] [ Warning to women entering Mea Shearim ] [ Mea Shearim street (3) ] [
Yeshiva boys ] [ The Shrine of The Book, Jerusalem. ] [
Shabbat walk to Shul ] [
Microsoft sign near Ben Yehuda street, Jerusalem ] [
McDonalds near Ben Yehuda street, Jerusalem ] [
McDonalds menu board near Ben Yehuda street, Jerusalem ] [ View from the ramparts of the the old city in Jerusalem ] [ Pieter
] [
The Kotel after Shabbat ] [
Head coverings in Machne Yehuda (Jewish market) shop window ] [ The Livnot U'Lehibanot building in Jerusalem ] [ View of the crowd at the Kotel on Tisha B'Av from the
Pardes balcony ] [ Crowd at the Kotel on Tisha B'Av ] [ The walls of the old city of Jerusalem ] [ Arches over a Jerusalem street ] [ Kabalistic synagogue door, Jerusalem. ] [
Messages in the cracks of the Kotel ] [ Menorah decoration against the Kotel, Jerusalem ] [
Women in the Arab Quarter of Jerusalem ] [ Crosses scratched into the wall in the Church of the Holy
Sepulchre, Jerusalem ] [ View in the tunnel connecting the Jewish and Arab quarters,
Jerusalem ] [ Jaffa Gate Mezuzah ]
As always, click on any of the small images to see the whole photograph.
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